.Its not Hollywood or Bollywood film. Its a flim from Kollywood having 30 kisses scenes between vishal and hot sameera reddy for upcoming film Vedi directed by prabhu deva which is remake of telugu film souryam. Actor Vishal must be one of the luckiest guys in Kollywood town. Basically Mumbai heroines have language problems when they come to the tamil film.There were a few humorous dialogues which were a part of the scene. Each time she was kissing me, she was forgetting the dialogues and when she did say the lines perfectly, the kiss went for a toss! In the process, she ended up kissing me on my cheeks thirty times,” he laughs. After shocking the audience with latest hit Avan Ivan (Vaadu Veedu in telugu), selecting the scripts which are wholesome family entertainer. The movie which is scheduled for a September 29 release, will be a visual treat.
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