Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Awesome Tricks2Make Any Calculation in Seconds

Trick 1
Use the formula ALL FROM 9 AND THE LAST FROM 10 to perform instant subtractions.
  • For example 1000 - 357 = 643We simply take each figure in 357 from 9 and the last figure from 10.
    So the answer is 1000 - 357 = 643
    And thats all there is to it!
    This always works for subtractions from numbers consisting of a 1 followed by noughts: 100; 1000; 10,000 etc.

  • Similarly 10,000 - 1049 = 8951
  • For 1000 - 83, in which we have more zeros than figures in the numbers being subtracted, we simply suppose 83 is 083.So 1000 - 83 becomes 1000 - 083 = 917

    Trick 2

    Here's how to use VERTICALLY AND CROSSWISE for multiplying numbers close to 100.
    • Suppose you want to multiply 88 by 98.
      Both 88 and 98 are close to 100.88 is 12 below 100 and 98 is 2 below 100.
      You can imagine the sum set out like this:

      As before the 86 comes from subtracting crosswise: 88 - 2 = 86
      (or 98 - 12 = 86: you can subtract either way, you will always get the same answer).
      And the 24 in the answer is just 12 x 2: you multiply vertically.
      So 88 x 98 = 8624
    This is so easy it is just mental arithmetic.

    Trick 3

    A quick way to square numbers that end in 5 using the formula BY ONE MORE THAN THE ONE BEFORE.
    • 752 = 5625752 means 75 x 75.
      The answer is in two parts: 56 and 25.
      The last part is always 25.
      The first part is the first number, 7, multiplied by the number "one more", which is 8:
      so 7 x 8 = 56
    • Similarly 852 = 7225 because 8 x 9 = 72.

    Method for multiplying numbers where the first figures are the same and the last figures add up to 10.
    • 32 x 38 = 1216
    • Both numbers here start with 3 and the last figures (2 and 8) add up to 10. So we just multiply 3 by 4 (the next number up) to get 12 for the first part of the answer. And we multiply the last figures: 2 x 8 = 16 to get the last part of the answer. Diagrammatically:
    • And 81 x 89 = 7209
    • We put 09 since we need two figures as in all the other examples.

    Trick 4

    An elegant way of multiplying numbers using a simple pattern.
    • 21 x 23 = 483
    • This is normally called long multiplication but actually the answer can be written straight down using the VERTICALLY AND CROSSWISE formula. We first put, or imagine, 23 below 21:
      There are 3 steps:
       a) Multiply vertically on the left: 2 x 2 = 4. This gives the first figure of the answer.
       b) Multiply crosswise and add: 2 x 3 + 1 x 2 = 8  This gives the middle figure.
       c) Multiply vertically on the right: 1 x 3 = 3  This gives the last figure of the answer.
    And thats all there is to it.

    • Similarly 61 x 31 = 1891
    • 6 x 3 = 18; 6 x 1 + 1 x 3 = 9; 1 x 1 = 1

    Trick 5

    Multiplying a number by 11.
      To multiply any 2-figure number by 11 we just put the total of the two figures between the 2 figures.
    • 26 x 11 = 286Notice that the outer figures in 286 are the 26
      being multiplied.
      And the middle figure is just 2 and 6 added up.
    • So 72 x 11 = 792
    77 x 11 = 847
    This involves a carry figure because 7 + 7 = 14
    we get 77 x 11 = 7147 = 847.

    234 x 11 = 2574
    We put the 2 and the 4 at the ends.
    We add the first pair 2 + 3 = 5.
    and we add the last pair: 3 + 4 = 7. 
                                                  Trick 6
    Method for diving by 9.
    • 23 / 9 = 2 remainder 5The first figure of 23 is 2, and this is the answer.
      The remainder is just 2 and 3 added up!
    • 43 / 9 = 4 remainder 7
      The first figure 4 is the answer and 4 + 3 = 7 is the remainder - could it be easier

-->>134 / 9 = 14 remainder 8The answer consists of 1,4 and 8.
1 is just the first figure of 134.
4 is the total of the first two figures 1+ 3 = 4,
and 8 is the total of all three figures 1+ 3 + 4 = 8.

-->> 842 / 9 = 812 remainder 14 = 92 remainder 14
Actually a remainder of 9 or more is not usually permitted because we are trying to find how
many 9's there are in 842.Since the remainder, 14 has one more 9 with 5 left over the final answer will be 93 remainder 5
                                            the above article by team youthrocksz



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