Tollywood hero Ram is angry with producer Bellamkonda Suresh as the latter did not pay the actor for the film Kandireega, though it is released and running successfully. Vexed with the attitude of Suresh, the actor had approached Telugu Movies Artistes’ Association (MAA) for redressal of his grievance.
MAA was able to diffuse the dispute between Ram and Bellamkonda Suresh. But the hero is so miffed and angry with the producer, he decided to opt out of Gautam Menon’s film as Bellamkonda Suresh was also producing it. He is said to have determined not to work with the producer again, though Ram’s uncle Sravanthi Ravi Kishore holds 50 per cent rights in Gautam Menon’s film.
However, Gautam Menon is said to be keen on doing the film with Ram only. But Ram reportedly wants Bellamkonda Suresh out that project.
MAA was able to diffuse the dispute between Ram and Bellamkonda Suresh. But the hero is so miffed and angry with the producer, he decided to opt out of Gautam Menon’s film as Bellamkonda Suresh was also producing it. He is said to have determined not to work with the producer again, though Ram’s uncle Sravanthi Ravi Kishore holds 50 per cent rights in Gautam Menon’s film.
However, Gautam Menon is said to be keen on doing the film with Ram only. But Ram reportedly wants Bellamkonda Suresh out that project.
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