Nani’s forthcoming release Sega, which is the dubbed version of the Tamil film Veppam is getting ready for its release in the first week of May. The actor, who has entertained in a classy role in Ala Modalaindi is sporting a mass look in entirely different characterization.
His role in the film is performance oriented and the film-makers are confident that Nani is sure to earn praises. Nitya Menon and Bindu Madhavi are the leading ladies in the movie.
Sega is directed by Anjana and produced Ashok Vallabhaneni on Manadesam movies banner. The film has music by Joshua Sridhar.
His role in the film is performance oriented and the film-makers are confident that Nani is sure to earn praises. Nitya Menon and Bindu Madhavi are the leading ladies in the movie.
Sega is directed by Anjana and produced Ashok Vallabhaneni on Manadesam movies banner. The film has music by Joshua Sridhar.
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