Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Top 10 Online Dating Sites of 2011


The Top 10 Online Dating Sites of 2011

Welcome to the world of online dating: a world of new friends, romantic dates and blossoming love. It’s an exciting world, but one that can also be overwhelming. With so many online dating sites to choose from, it can be hard to find the best online dating site for you. Our hope is that our site will help make it easier for you to find the site that will find you love. Although some online dating sites are more popular than others, our research confirms that over 50% of our site's visitors chose


Massive and diverse UK user baseSearch by age & location; keyword search; custom search Offers the most matches and best search toolsOver
UK Singles
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Booming UK user base Search by age, location, height, ethnicity, and more with custom search; daily matches based on Zoosk algorithm Fun and easygoing - online dating your wayOver
UK Singles
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Singles over 35 user base Matches based on psychological testing, search by profile criteria Very good for singles over 35 Over
UK Singles
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Seeking long term relationships Matches based on affinity testing; search by race, religion and more In-depth personality testing, combines matching and searchingOver
UK Singles
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Large user base seeking relationships; heterosexual only No searching; Matches are based on personality test Emphasis on serious relationships; less features than other servicesOver
UK Singles
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Show All 10 Online Dating Sites

Why online dating?

Our modern world serves us up with millions of ways to find love: join a class, go on holidays, go out with friends, try a new sport, a new instrument, hobby, hairstyle. All these things are possible ways to get us noticed by the opposite sex. But just as our options increased, our time to explore them has decreased. More people spend more time working, usually in front of their computers than ever before and this too has changed our dating habits. In a nutshell, online dating combines the best parts of the old way of dating with new ones that can make our dating lives truly successful. Here's just some of the pluses:
  1. You are master or mistress of your own dating world and you are the star
  2. It encourages honesty - people are more open with their emotional needs
  3. Gives instant access to countless partners
  4. You are not forced to talk to someone you are not interested in and you can delete them
  5. You are free to flirt outrageously
  6. You can leave your shyness at the door

Is online dating safe?

Here's five good reasons why online dating is safe?

1. It's anonymous
True, this element does get some bad press, but why let a few bad eggs spoil your good time. The fact is the vast majority of online dating users are genuine people just like you, perhaps too busy or too shy to look for love through the traditional methods. Online dating opens a whole new world of love to them and you. And while you find your feet, taking your time to check out the talent, no one has to even know you are there, until you want them to.
2. You decide who you talk to and who talks to you Most internet dating sites now come with an in-built feature that allows you to block mails from unwanted admirers. Although to be fair to the majority of online dating site members, most are too busy chatting to each other to be bothered with stalking a few. It's more likely that you'll be putting your best foot forward and aiming to stand out from the crowd.
3. You get to see a photo before you meet Come on, you know this is more important than any other feature. No matter how evolved we like to think we are, 95% of us based our opinions of people on first impressions and it's a known fact that 'attraction starts with the eye.' What would you rather do on a cold evening? Watch TV or scroll through scores of smiling sexy faces knowing that any one of them could be your next date!
4. You get to relax and rely on your senses Contrary to popular belief, online dating is an intimate experience. The user i.e. you, get to spend some alone time with yourself and think about what you really want from a date or relationship. Instead of the pressure of meeting someone in a bar where you have to look great, say all the right things, etc, online dating you can do in your pyjamas while eating cereal. This gives you the chance to relax, to really listen to what people are saying, to take your time getting know people that catch your attention, and most importantly, to really be yourself.
5. Millions of people can't be wrong Online dating is an industry that has mushroomed in the last five years. Every day millions of people are logging on and finding love. If online dating didn't work, they wouldn't do this. But they do. And every day, new members sign up. The cycle of love continues. Have you logged on yet?

Tips for Successful Online Dating

1. Taking a good photo
This seems like an obvious one and yet so many get it wrong. Considering that we nearly all have digital cameras these days and if you don't, you have one on your phone. So how hard can it be to go home, wash your face, brush your hair and ask a friend to take a photo. It's much better if you don't take it yourself as we have a tendency to hold the camera too high up, which makes us look as if we are drowning or to low down which simply gives a bird's eye view of our nostrils. And don't be afraid to ask a friend to help. This is your future.
2. Think about your description No matter how tempted, don't write - I don't know what to say here... although you may feel that is the truth and someone will take pity on you, they won't. They will simply have no idea of the kind of person you are and skip on. If you are shy about writing the truth then say that but put it in words, For example you could say:
I only pass on personal info to those who catch my attention
I'm too say to tell all, I'm waiting to tell you.
A sentence like that keeps you in the control seat and even adds a touch of mystery.
3. Be honest but use your discretion Although it's very important to be honest about what you are looking for from a partner, it's not necessary to divulge every bit of info about you. Keep some back. Use that for when you get into real conversation with someone you like.
4. Take it seriously if you are serious about finding love A wise man once said that if you believe you can, you can, and if you believe you can't, you can't. The same applied to online dating. If you think it's rubbish, no doubt you will have a rubbish experience and if you really believe in it, give it a serious chance, who knows where it will lead to. For millions of other singles it's leading to love.



Be sensitive to what your partner likes.Unwanted touching or inappropriate overtures can make the other person tense up and retreat—exactly what you don’t want,While touch is a key part of a healthy relationship, it’s important to take some time to find out what your partner really likes.

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